Empowering Garage Door
Companies to Maximize Value and Growth

A newly formed alliance of residential and commercial garage door service companies focused on replacement, repair and installation.

Who We Are

Guild is a first-of-its-kind coalition of garage door brands united by the vision of building a leading network of premier residential service providers. Guild does not operate as a traditional private equity firm or as a large competitor, but rather as an alliance of likeminded owner operators driven by a common mission, value system, and purpose.

Why Guild

Guild allows owners to take chips off the table but retain “unit level ownership” so they continue to benefit through annual distributions and an eventual full exit as their business grows. Guild retains the employees and management teams of the companies they partner with and provides them with the resources and processes they need to better serve their customers, employees, and communities.

A leading network of
premier garage door service companies

We ensure that owners and employees have the support they need to carry on the business’ legacy, and that they are given the resources to build upon the reputation they’ve worked so hard to create. Simply put, you can’t buy a good reputation, you must earn it, and that is exactly what our partner companies have done.

Our Vision

To create a people-first, value-added platform that benefits everyone, from the customers we serve to the trusted partners that comprise our network of businesses.

Our Mission

To partner with talented and hungry owners, and provide them with the ambition, resources, and partnership necessary to reach their full potential.

How We Got Here

The garage door industry is changing rapidly. At Guild Garage Group, we partner with business owners and operators who are in various stages of transition. Whether owners are looking to scale their business to the next level with additional resources, want to ensure a seamless transition of their business on to the next generation, or are simply looking for support with an exit strategy, the Guild team is here to craft the solution

Value-Driven Growth Rooted in Partnership

We prioritize sustainable growth and operational excellence, leveraging our industry expertise and resources to support our partners’ success. Our approach is grounded in a partnership model that ensures mutual benefits and shared objectives, driving both our and our partners’ businesses towards enduring success.

Value-Driven Growth

We work to add true economic value by strengthening organizations, developing managerial talent, pursuing robust strategies based on strong industrial logic, aggressively investing in growth and continuously improving operations. We do not impose artificially short time horizons on the businesses we own. Rather, we deploy capital over time and apply in-house industry expertise to create business platforms that drive terminal value.

Empowering Success

We believe in providing a strong employee-centered culture, rock-solid back-office support, and data-driven insights to help your business thrive in an ever-changing competitive environment. A partnership with Guild Garage Group fosters a commitment to excellence in installation and repair.

Growth Partnerships

As a strategic partner, your success becomes our most important goal, and we believe our experience, industry contacts, and resources allow us to work collaboratively with business owners and management teams to accelerate their growth.

Our Strategy


Through a robust vetting process, we select companies that align with our values and priorities for employees, and customers. We are looking to acquire companies that desire various levels of involvement.


If you want to remain as an operating entity, you’ll get all the advantages of being part of a large team and the growth opportunities that come with the the Guild Garage Group partnership, while still maintaining autonomy.


If you are ready to step away from your business, we’ll work with you to develop a transition plan on your terms. You tell us your preferences, and we’ll do our best to create the clear path forward that works for all parties.

We understand the importance of legacy to family-owned businesses

We ensure that owners and employees have the support they need to carry on the business’ legacy, and that they are given the resources to build upon the reputation they’ve worked so hard to create. Simply put, you can’t buy a good reputation, you must earn it, and that is exactly what our partner companies have done.

Legacy Support

We offer support and resources for owners and employees to enhance their business’s legacy and reputation.

Earning Reputation

We believe reputations are earned, not bought. Our partners embody this through their dedication and integrity.

Our Promise

To do things the right way, not the easy way.

Guild provides the benefits of ownership without the burden.

We’ll take care of the back-office work so that you can take care of your customers and focus on what you do best!

We seek to play a pivotal role in helping companies realize their potential

Our goal is to unlock value by identifying great companies with untapped potential and enhancing their performance.

Forming Mutually Beneficial Partnerships based on Aligned Interests

Our experience can enhance all areas within your organization, including business oversight, technician training, financing, community outreach, and more. Join our movement so we can help you gain access to a plethora of resources for future growth and prosperity.

Typical Seller Rationales


Retiring owner-operator without a successor in place.

Diversify investments

Owners seeking to “take chips off the table” and continue building their company.


Owners or management teams seeking capital to grow the company.

Typical Partner Criteria

Strong leadership and significant market share within respective regions

Minimum annual revenue of $4,000,000+ in residential garage door installation and repair

Utilization of Servicetitan or equivalent leading CRM system, showcasing a commitment to efficiency and innovation in operations

Ability and willingness to scale by 150%+ within 3-5 years through a combination of organic growth strategies and strategic tuck-in acquisitions

Presence of capable leadership that is poised to drive the business forward, fostering growth and adaptability in a dynamic market environment

Experienced and deep teams (10+ employees) with strong cultures